1. Through the advice of our attorneys and insurance carriers, we must maintain control of our yard or face increased rates. In brief, what this means is that we cannot allow you to invite any non-related third parties onto our property or onto your boat, while it is in our yard, on our docks, or in our buildings. This includes, but is not limited to, third party tradesmen, vendors and boat brokers.

2. For the protection of our environment, please properly dispose of oil, chemicals, bottom paint debris and batteries at the service office. They will see that these items are properly placed in our hazardous waste materials area.

3. All trash must be deposited in the barrels provided throughout each yard or building.

4. Please do not park motor vehicles in or in front of shop doors, closed gates, main aisle ways, travel lift or fork lift wells. Any vehicle in violation of parking regulations is subject to towing at owner’s expense.

5. Please do not lock ladders or secure boat covers to tripod stands.

6. For your safety, only our yard personnel are allowed to move tripod stands.

7. No commercial advertising or solicitation is permitted on the property. For sale signs are not allowed on boats.

8. Tampering with or boarding other vessels without permission is prohibited.

9. Noise levels, language and general behavior must be in keeping with a family atmosphere.

10. Dogs must be kept on leashes when not on boats. They should be walked along the main roads and not near the restaurant or areas where working crews or customers frequent. Dog owners are responsible for picking up and properly disposing of pet waste.

11.All storage agreements and slip rental agreements are non-transferable to other individuals or entities.

12. We reserve the right to board any vessel on the property in the event of an emergency. We reserve the right to determine emergency situations based upon threat to persons or property and the immediacy of necessary action.

13. Owner work is welcome, such as limited maintenance, including tune-ups, cleaning, or line replacement. Such maintenance activities shall not generate paint aerosols, dusts, other particles or material, which will deposit upon nearby vessels or other facilities. Maintenance activities shall not produce odors, vapors or gases which will prove offensive or pose health, fire, or other safety hazards. The use of open flame devices (arc welding rigs, gas torches, etc.) and space heaters are prohibited.

14. For the safety of our customers and employees, fueling from gas cans is strictly prohibited.

15. Sanding or spraying of any kind in the buildings is prohibited.

16. Boat owners are responsible for making sure that the trim tabs are in the upward position when placing boat at the dock. SkipperBud's is not responsible for trim tabs that are left in the downward position and therefore broken by the forklift. Nor will SkipperBud's be responsible for transducers that get damaged from either the fork lift or the rack setting.


Suggestions For Security

While theft and vandalism are not significant problems at our yard, we offer the following guidelines to insure your boat’s security. Please read the following suggestions carefully. With your cooperation, we can keep theft and vandalism to insignificant levels.

1. We recommend that you remove all loose items from your boat. In the unlikely event that a boat is illegally entered, your best defense is having nothing on board that could be easily taken.

2. Please do not leave small outboard engines mounted on your boat. They are easy targets for thieves.

3. All ladders must be secured on board your boat. Loose ladders or ladders locked in an upright position will be removed by the yard staff, as they make entry to a boat easy.

4. Please report any suspicious activity to our staff and the police.

5. Parents please keep children close at hand while working on your boat. Boat yards cannot be playgrounds. Children should always wear life vests if a boat is near the water regardless of how well they swim.

6. We suggest that you make a habit of locking your car when parked in parking areas. Unsecured tools and equipment may be too tempting for passersby.

7. In the unlikely event that you discover items missing from your boat, you should contact your insurance agent and our service office. Remember that we do not carry insurance for any boat in storage. Our facilities are insured but each owner is responsible for properly insuring his/her boat and providing our storage coordinator with a copy of your insurance policy declaration page.



Please contact SkipperBud's Milwaukee for more information.
1919 South Marina Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207
Phone: (414) 482-0900