Located at 1351 Egg Harbor Ln. Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 54904

Call Us: (920) 231-3200

SkipperBud's campus in Oshkosh includes annual drystack with daily in-out during the boating season, while keeping your boat snug in heated storage during the winter months. Your boat is put away and kept out of the elements awaiting your next outing. Conveniently schedule your drystack launch using our speedy dock app. SkipperBud's campus includes full service mechanical and a fuel dock. SkipperBud's is conveniently located in Oshkosh, on Lake Butte des Morts, giving you access to several waterways like Lake Winnebago, Lake Winneconne, and the Fox River

Enjoy hassle-free boating that's just a phone call away.  Using a large marina fork lift, we store your boat inside and away from the elements no matter what season so your boat stays clean and is protected from storms, giving it an enhanced resale value. Plus, we offer full winterization of all boat systems and shrink wrap services by certified technicians.

We store boats ranging in size from a 16 foot family runabout to the 30+ foot luxury boats. We have 60+ years of professional experience storing boats. Our facilities are staffed all year long, with around-the-clock security cameras.